Winter sleeping bags for cold weather are a must,and a bit different from your average summer sleeping bag.
Here is a good affordable winter sleeping bag that will get you through the coldest of weather.
It's the coleman big basin extreme weather bag.
I use mine for the fish house,and for winter camping.This is actaully a great winter camping sleeping bag that won't let you down.I don't use a heater at night,so I know what I'm talking about here.
Cold weather sleeping bags have to be warmer,and more drable than your summer set up.
They are almost like a matress wrapped around you,and this one will get you through -20 -30 below with ease.
I wear long johns of course,and this winter bag does a great job keeping me warm.
Just hate when morning comes,and I got to crawl out of it.
Not only that,if a person has to use the bathroom at night,that can be a bumber too.
But all,in all.This is a good winter sleeping bag that won't let you down.
The coleman sleeping bags for winter are priced just right also.So no complaints on the price,or the bag here.
Great sleeping bag,and I'd recommend this winter bag to anyone.
Eureka tents for camping make a person stay dry when camping.They have been keeping my family,and myself dry during the worst of storms.These are tents that don't leak and are the best tents for camping.These shelters stand up to the hardest of rain,and the worst weather imaginable.The Eureka family tents are also quality shelters,that make spending time with the family all that much dryer.New & Old Eureka tents are below.You'll find tents for sale below.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Best Camping Family Tent That's Waterproof.
I think many of us have been rained out while camping in our younger days,before we had the responsibility of having to worry about others staying dry in the tent we're camping out in.
Through the years,one really learns by trial & error if he/she don't take the advice of others when setting up a tent proper,but one way or another,we all do eventually learn,that's if camping takes to our blood of course,then every trip that follows afterwards seems to be more comfortable than the last.
If you're looking for the best family waterproof tent,the last thing you want to do is buy one at a Walmart,or some Target Store.
Those tents are junk,and are not waterproof,except good for keeping the water in the tent,once it gets in...Go figure?
If you know for sure it's not going to rain,or 10 mph + winds,sure those cheap tents can do the job,but you're sh-it out of luck if it does.
Camping for a weekend,or the week?..Have fun drying out a big family tent.Make sure to have rags with for soaking up the water,and cloths line along to hang your sleeping bags,and other gear.
Putting up those cheap tents are no fun either,especially those large family tents.
The poles are of low quality,just as the fabric is,and the stitching of those cheap family tents at Walmart make a person wonder if they are even bug proof.Those dam no seeums don't need much.
If you want a good waterproof family tent,choose a Eureka model.
They are more expensive,but it will be the last family tent you ever have to buy.
No tent in the world is 100% waterproof,in order to be that,it would have to be like rubber,and a person could suffocate to death with the windows closed in it...You'd see people using them for swimming,so get that notion out of your head.
What makes Eureka better,and more rain proof than the cheaper brands,is the fabric is woven more closely,so it repels water better,and breaths to make a comfortable enviroment in the tent.What's more important than that,is the seams have a better stitching,and are closer together than those cheap tents.Water has a heck of a time getting in.
The poles are better,and more durable,and what's even better,the Eureka tents are lighter in weight then those cheap ones.
Eureka has alot of styles of family tents to choose from.So you can pick a size that's right for you.
They have small family tents,to huge ones for several kids,and the parents of course.
The best camping family waterproof tents are a Eureka.
You can check out the various models above here,because I have no idea what size you're looking for.I don't know the size of your family.
The only pointer I can think of presently,is always try to get a tent a little more than you need.We use it for storage also,so if a few of you are sleeping in a big family tent,just know it's all of you,and a few duffle bags as well,coats,jackets,and other gear you want to keep dry,and safe from the eliments.
Not just keeping your gear out of the rain,but the sun also.The sun wears out gear as well,it slowly eats away at the fabric in time.As the wind,and the rain.
So it's also your storage,and having extra room for your gear is a must.
A waterproof family camping tent is achievable,just make sure it's a Eureka,and use a bottle of that seam sealer on the tent seams,and it should be ready to go.
You can also use a few cans of that scotch guard.
And NO..Buying a cheap Walmart tent,and some scotch guard to save a few bucks won't save you money...A big waste of scotch guard :)
Go Eureka!!
You won't be sorry you did!
Through the years,one really learns by trial & error if he/she don't take the advice of others when setting up a tent proper,but one way or another,we all do eventually learn,that's if camping takes to our blood of course,then every trip that follows afterwards seems to be more comfortable than the last.
If you're looking for the best family waterproof tent,the last thing you want to do is buy one at a Walmart,or some Target Store.
Those tents are junk,and are not waterproof,except good for keeping the water in the tent,once it gets in...Go figure?
If you know for sure it's not going to rain,or 10 mph + winds,sure those cheap tents can do the job,but you're sh-it out of luck if it does.
Camping for a weekend,or the week?..Have fun drying out a big family tent.Make sure to have rags with for soaking up the water,and cloths line along to hang your sleeping bags,and other gear.
Putting up those cheap tents are no fun either,especially those large family tents.
The poles are of low quality,just as the fabric is,and the stitching of those cheap family tents at Walmart make a person wonder if they are even bug proof.Those dam no seeums don't need much.
If you want a good waterproof family tent,choose a Eureka model.
They are more expensive,but it will be the last family tent you ever have to buy.
No tent in the world is 100% waterproof,in order to be that,it would have to be like rubber,and a person could suffocate to death with the windows closed in it...You'd see people using them for swimming,so get that notion out of your head.
What makes Eureka better,and more rain proof than the cheaper brands,is the fabric is woven more closely,so it repels water better,and breaths to make a comfortable enviroment in the tent.What's more important than that,is the seams have a better stitching,and are closer together than those cheap tents.Water has a heck of a time getting in.
The poles are better,and more durable,and what's even better,the Eureka tents are lighter in weight then those cheap ones.
Eureka has alot of styles of family tents to choose from.So you can pick a size that's right for you.
They have small family tents,to huge ones for several kids,and the parents of course.
The best camping family waterproof tents are a Eureka.
You can check out the various models above here,because I have no idea what size you're looking for.I don't know the size of your family.
The only pointer I can think of presently,is always try to get a tent a little more than you need.We use it for storage also,so if a few of you are sleeping in a big family tent,just know it's all of you,and a few duffle bags as well,coats,jackets,and other gear you want to keep dry,and safe from the eliments.
Not just keeping your gear out of the rain,but the sun also.The sun wears out gear as well,it slowly eats away at the fabric in time.As the wind,and the rain.
So it's also your storage,and having extra room for your gear is a must.
A waterproof family camping tent is achievable,just make sure it's a Eureka,and use a bottle of that seam sealer on the tent seams,and it should be ready to go.
You can also use a few cans of that scotch guard.
And NO..Buying a cheap Walmart tent,and some scotch guard to save a few bucks won't save you money...A big waste of scotch guard :)
Go Eureka!!
You won't be sorry you did!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Best Tents To Keep The Bugs Out
Now that's a good question.
What's the best tent to keep the bugs out.
The truth is,most cheap tents can handle that task on keeping bugs out of the tent.
A cheap tent will not keep the rain out,but the stitching is good enough even on the cheapest tents keeping those annoying critters out of the tent.
The only trick to keeping them out,is just make sure the zipper is closed.
We've all heard of no seeums.This little pest bite,and leave a good welt as well.The Eureka screens on their tents,do have a smaller diameter with their meash used on their bug tents,and every Eureka is a bug proof tent as far as the meshed used.
So don't fret none,an whatever tent you get through them.
We all depend on our tent to keep bugs out,and in most all cases they do.
Those noseeums can cause problems though.They remind me of flying fleas,and yes they can squeeze through the smallest of holes,and some screen & mesh they do get though.
A bug free tent is a bug proof tent,and it really comes down to the screening used,and in a tent's case I call it the mesh.
Mesh,and screen can be made so bug proof,that a screen for ventilation becomes to the point of wind proof.
With a Eureka it's just about at the maximum of bug protection.
The screen/mesh still ventilates,and is a tent that keeps bugs out.Even the smallest of insects.
I was down in St James Mn Camping last week,and the bugs were just as deadly there,as if I was camping up in the boundry waters.Just a word of note,the Eureka is the best tent for the boundry waters in my book.
Many outfitters rent out the "Timberline"..but I go with a better Eureka model,more largers because I do like the air,space,and vetilation for summer camping,plus the Eureka is the best bug proof tent for camping when it comes to my experience,and revies of tents I've used in the worst bug situations.
The only bugs that get in the tent,is a bug you bring in with you.Whether on your gear,or when you're unszipping the door going in,or out.
So when you ask yourself "What is the best tent to keep bugs out?"
Answer : A Eureka tent that's bug proof from the start.
Tested in the worst bug country,not a Walmart Tent designed on a factory floor,that only in theory put up with the imagination camping,that an occasionally a bug might be in the vacinity.
What's the best tent to keep the bugs out.
The truth is,most cheap tents can handle that task on keeping bugs out of the tent.
A cheap tent will not keep the rain out,but the stitching is good enough even on the cheapest tents keeping those annoying critters out of the tent.
The only trick to keeping them out,is just make sure the zipper is closed.
We've all heard of no seeums.This little pest bite,and leave a good welt as well.The Eureka screens on their tents,do have a smaller diameter with their meash used on their bug tents,and every Eureka is a bug proof tent as far as the meshed used.
So don't fret none,an whatever tent you get through them.
We all depend on our tent to keep bugs out,and in most all cases they do.
Those noseeums can cause problems though.They remind me of flying fleas,and yes they can squeeze through the smallest of holes,and some screen & mesh they do get though.
A bug free tent is a bug proof tent,and it really comes down to the screening used,and in a tent's case I call it the mesh.
Mesh,and screen can be made so bug proof,that a screen for ventilation becomes to the point of wind proof.
With a Eureka it's just about at the maximum of bug protection.
The screen/mesh still ventilates,and is a tent that keeps bugs out.Even the smallest of insects.
I was down in St James Mn Camping last week,and the bugs were just as deadly there,as if I was camping up in the boundry waters.Just a word of note,the Eureka is the best tent for the boundry waters in my book.
Many outfitters rent out the "Timberline"..but I go with a better Eureka model,more largers because I do like the air,space,and vetilation for summer camping,plus the Eureka is the best bug proof tent for camping when it comes to my experience,and revies of tents I've used in the worst bug situations.
The only bugs that get in the tent,is a bug you bring in with you.Whether on your gear,or when you're unszipping the door going in,or out.
So when you ask yourself "What is the best tent to keep bugs out?"
Answer : A Eureka tent that's bug proof from the start.
Tested in the worst bug country,not a Walmart Tent designed on a factory floor,that only in theory put up with the imagination camping,that an occasionally a bug might be in the vacinity.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
How To Make A Rain Fly For A Screen Tent
If you're wondering how to make a rain fly for a screent tent to save you a few bucks,which I certainly can't argue with that.
I did the same thing.I made a home made rain fly for my screen tent.
Now I have an Older Eureka Screen Tent.It has 5 sides,and was a model designed to handle high winds,buy trying to distribute the wind to a 1/5th of the tent with direct winds,instead of the traditional wall tents,where in some cases a storm hit head on,thus putting all the wind pressure on one side.
Does the five sided screen tent do better?..I don't know,but the four walled screen tents did me well,in some of the same circumstances as a fived side screen tent.
Anyways,this article is not about 4 sided,or 5 sided tents.It's about making a home made rain fly for a tent.A screen tent in this case.
Before you bother reading any farther.Please inspect your tent now,and see if there is flap of fabric,about 1-2 inches long,that's at the top of the screen,and thus is on all sides of your tent.This flap is on the outside.
Many of the older Eureka Screen Tents have this flap.
Now if your screen tent DOES NOT HAVE THIS FLAP -->
Your options are to glue a seam of fabric around the tent above the screen,and re-inforce stitch is possible,but not necessary,opinions go both ways on this.
You need a flap of fabric over the screen,and this is needed to attach your home made rain fly to.
So go to the hardware store,ask the folks there for a great glue for fabrics,tarps etc.
Can this hurt the original fabric on the tent?..Using a heavy duty permanent glue,to attach another piece of fabric to it?
Yes it can.
But ..It's no more different than patch glue for a tent.
I have had branches fall on the roof of my screen tent during severe weather,thus putting major holes in my tent.From fist size holes,to where geese could fly in.
I found some used heavy duty nylon fabric to use as a patch,and got some fabric glue at the hardware store.
Going on 10 years now,and the glue still holds,and has NOT caused any damage to the original tent fabric as a bond.
So it's up to you.If you have a cheap tent to begin with,then go for it,
Cut some heavy duty fabric..a heavy nylon,or even tarp for that matter,but use the blue tarp material,not the clear plastic as mentioned above.The blue tarps have actual width of strands.
Cut 1 foot wide vertical lengths for each side of the tent,the length of what the screen is on that side.
Fold the cut piece in half,so it's just 6 inches wide,then glue,and safety pin,use weights,or rocks,or what have you to make it a double layer piece of tarp.
Then when that's sealed,and the glue has done its thing..Overnight.
Then attach each piece above the screen vertical of course...Use the fabric glue,and that stuff sticks right away.
As a matter of fact...Use a canvas glue,or a glue good for canvas.That's a quick note I wanted to add.
But attach each piece applying the glue to the top 3 inches,use some big safety pins if you like,but the glue does stick and hold,and allows some adjustment sliding it around.
Believe me,this aint kids glue,or elmers..It holds right away,and don't worry about slidding it around,and glue getting on other parts of the tent..It won't do anything..just dries,and becomes part of the tent.
Glue the tarp attachments on,let them dry,and believe me,they are now part of the tent.
Now figure out if you want to use the heavier duty blue tarp plastic we all see,or go with a clear roll of painters plastic for your screen tent.
I'd go with the blue.It's more heavy duty.
Now..When you buy a big blue tarp at your hardware store,make sure it can incircle your whole screen tent,and then some.
If you have a 20 foot diamater,then make sure the tarp you get is 25 feet,perhaps even 30 feet.
30 X 10 feet..40 X 10 feet.
Now that you have a good understanding of how strong canvas glue holds,it does the same miracles of tarps.
Attach the tarp around your screen tent,using HEAVY DUTY STATIONARY CLIPS...THOSE BIG BLACK CLIPS...Yes,camping stores carry them too,or should,and I'll be adding an image of this clips when I update this post,so don't worry.I will be adding images of all this.It's so easy,just takes a 1000 words to explain 3 minutes worth of crap..hahahaha :)
The cut,and glue with a scissors,and mage the tarp a good fit...BUT..BUT..BUT!!
Leave 3 feet for the bottom on the tarp,because it helps to be weighted down.Make sure you cut it,so it goes to the ground,and 3 EXTRA FEET so it lays.
You can always attach a bottom fabric,but more clips,more work.
However..This gives you a good idea on the start of a home rain fly for a screen tent.It's the walls we want to cover.
We a screen tent with a rain fly is in action,this things are the ultimate base camp.A screen tent with rain fly is a winter tents as well.
Because the material used to make a rain fly is more heavy duty,not as breathable,but holds heat almost that of a portable fish house.
One more note,when you use the heavy duty meatal camping clips to attach the tarp,fold the tarp under,and over the home made flap,over lap etc..Don't just attach it like you would a cloths pin..Don't worry,you'll figure it out,but do a roll on the flap..I'll add a pic of this to,because it looks confusing on paper..hahaha..:)
I'll be updating this article weekly,with pictures.
A rain fly for a screen tent is a must!!
I did the same thing.I made a home made rain fly for my screen tent.
Now I have an Older Eureka Screen Tent.It has 5 sides,and was a model designed to handle high winds,buy trying to distribute the wind to a 1/5th of the tent with direct winds,instead of the traditional wall tents,where in some cases a storm hit head on,thus putting all the wind pressure on one side.
Does the five sided screen tent do better?..I don't know,but the four walled screen tents did me well,in some of the same circumstances as a fived side screen tent.
Anyways,this article is not about 4 sided,or 5 sided tents.It's about making a home made rain fly for a tent.A screen tent in this case.
Before you bother reading any farther.Please inspect your tent now,and see if there is flap of fabric,about 1-2 inches long,that's at the top of the screen,and thus is on all sides of your tent.This flap is on the outside.
Many of the older Eureka Screen Tents have this flap.
Now if your screen tent DOES NOT HAVE THIS FLAP -->
Your options are to glue a seam of fabric around the tent above the screen,and re-inforce stitch is possible,but not necessary,opinions go both ways on this.
You need a flap of fabric over the screen,and this is needed to attach your home made rain fly to.
So go to the hardware store,ask the folks there for a great glue for fabrics,tarps etc.
Can this hurt the original fabric on the tent?..Using a heavy duty permanent glue,to attach another piece of fabric to it?
Yes it can.
But ..It's no more different than patch glue for a tent.
I have had branches fall on the roof of my screen tent during severe weather,thus putting major holes in my tent.From fist size holes,to where geese could fly in.
I found some used heavy duty nylon fabric to use as a patch,and got some fabric glue at the hardware store.
Going on 10 years now,and the glue still holds,and has NOT caused any damage to the original tent fabric as a bond.
So it's up to you.If you have a cheap tent to begin with,then go for it,
Cut some heavy duty fabric..a heavy nylon,or even tarp for that matter,but use the blue tarp material,not the clear plastic as mentioned above.The blue tarps have actual width of strands.
Cut 1 foot wide vertical lengths for each side of the tent,the length of what the screen is on that side.
Fold the cut piece in half,so it's just 6 inches wide,then glue,and safety pin,use weights,or rocks,or what have you to make it a double layer piece of tarp.
Then when that's sealed,and the glue has done its thing..Overnight.
Then attach each piece above the screen vertical of course...Use the fabric glue,and that stuff sticks right away.
As a matter of fact...Use a canvas glue,or a glue good for canvas.That's a quick note I wanted to add.
But attach each piece applying the glue to the top 3 inches,use some big safety pins if you like,but the glue does stick and hold,and allows some adjustment sliding it around.
Believe me,this aint kids glue,or elmers..It holds right away,and don't worry about slidding it around,and glue getting on other parts of the tent..It won't do anything..just dries,and becomes part of the tent.
Glue the tarp attachments on,let them dry,and believe me,they are now part of the tent.
Now figure out if you want to use the heavier duty blue tarp plastic we all see,or go with a clear roll of painters plastic for your screen tent.
I'd go with the blue.It's more heavy duty.
Now..When you buy a big blue tarp at your hardware store,make sure it can incircle your whole screen tent,and then some.
If you have a 20 foot diamater,then make sure the tarp you get is 25 feet,perhaps even 30 feet.
30 X 10 feet..40 X 10 feet.
Now that you have a good understanding of how strong canvas glue holds,it does the same miracles of tarps.
Attach the tarp around your screen tent,using HEAVY DUTY STATIONARY CLIPS...THOSE BIG BLACK CLIPS...Yes,camping stores carry them too,or should,and I'll be adding an image of this clips when I update this post,so don't worry.I will be adding images of all this.It's so easy,just takes a 1000 words to explain 3 minutes worth of crap..hahahaha :)
The cut,and glue with a scissors,and mage the tarp a good fit...BUT..BUT..BUT!!
Leave 3 feet for the bottom on the tarp,because it helps to be weighted down.Make sure you cut it,so it goes to the ground,and 3 EXTRA FEET so it lays.
You can always attach a bottom fabric,but more clips,more work.
However..This gives you a good idea on the start of a home rain fly for a screen tent.It's the walls we want to cover.
We a screen tent with a rain fly is in action,this things are the ultimate base camp.A screen tent with rain fly is a winter tents as well.
Because the material used to make a rain fly is more heavy duty,not as breathable,but holds heat almost that of a portable fish house.
One more note,when you use the heavy duty meatal camping clips to attach the tarp,fold the tarp under,and over the home made flap,over lap etc..Don't just attach it like you would a cloths pin..Don't worry,you'll figure it out,but do a roll on the flap..I'll add a pic of this to,because it looks confusing on paper..hahaha..:)
I'll be updating this article weekly,with pictures.
A rain fly for a screen tent is a must!!
New Eureka Tents
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New Eureka Tents |
There is no better feeling when a person upgrades their sleeping shelters,and starts looking into the new Eureka tents that are available.
The same models they made 10-20 years ago,are still being made today.
Quality you can depend on,and it starts making you camping trips rainproof.
Not all new tents are rainproof,but a new Eureka tent is.
The fabric,and the stitching keep the rain out,but always make sure rainproof your tent soon as yoy get it..Usually seam sealer comes with every new tent,but it's not a bad idea to get a couple cans of scotch guard to treat the rain fly,after all,that's what keeps the majority of rain from hitting your tent,and is your first line of defense against rain.
Here you'll find a variety of new Eureka tents to choose from.From family tents to one man tents.Rest assured there is a tent here that's right for you,and right for the type of camping you'll be doing.
These are the last shelters you'll ever buy.Ig you take of them,they will last you a lifetime.
I remember when I bought my new eureka tent 20 some years ago,and I'm still using it today,and will blow any piece of crap tent like those Walmart tents out of the water.
You'd think a person would learn their lesson the first time after buying a cheap tent,but perhaps some just like buying a tent every couple of years,and throw the old one away,because it leaked bad,or the poles were hard to work with.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Best Screen Tent To Keep The Bugs Out.
I thought I'd write an experience on what a screen tent meant to us,while camping for many years on the Minnesota/Canadian Border.
We loved camping,and the adventure of portaging in to lakes,and spending every second of our vacation times camping in the capital of bug country.From 20 years old on,till my 30's,I camped my butt off.
As with all campers,we learn by trial and error over the years,and upgrade a piece of our camping equipment to make the time off we have spending in the woods,all that much more comfortable.
I suppose it started with upgrading our cooking stove,which was an affordable upgrade,plus food makes,or breaks a trip.I hope none of you had trips like some of mine in my younger days.We'd bring more beer,and fishing bait that subtance to keep us going.
That didn't last long,after that we made sure we had ample food supply,and good stoves and the cook ware to prepare our dinners.
The other thing that hurt us,was the rain,and the pain in the butt of having to bring tarps,to make sure our tents stayed rain proff in the hard rains.
Then we upgraded tents,and went with Eureka.Boy,that was the smartest choice we ever made when it came to discovering the best camping tents that exist.
One discovery we had,was when it came to cooking.You could never count on the weather being generous to allow you to cook outdoors on the camping stoves when every you please.In other words the wind,and the rain could really hamper a guy with a propane stove cooking,with the wind blowing the flame out,or just blowing the heat right out from under our frying pans.
In some cases,worse than that,was the bugs,and biting insects,flies,hornets,and every other dam bug wanting to linger around the cook stove while a person is preparing dinner.
Then one of us in the gang,decided to buy a Eureka Screen Tent.
He bought it,for the sake when he cleaned fish,het despised the horse & deer flies annoying him,the mosquitoes,and every other type of bug.The noseeums,if that is spelled right made cleaning fish a horror.
Having the best screen tent to keep the bugs out while camping cleaning fish,also came in very handy for cooking in,and preparing meals,and a base retreat tent when the rain came.
Most all the Eureka Screen Tents have a rain flap,or a fabric flap that you can attach a rain tarp to,by using heavy duty meatal camping clips,and attaching a rain tarp AROUND THE SCREEN NETTING...Making it a wall tent.
So even if the rain was coming down side ways,if the screen tent was secured good,in other words staked in good,and a rope attached to a pole,that was tied to a tree..Really secure that baby when setting up,like preparing for a tornado.You can cook in that baby,and have a hell of a base camp tent for your whole group to associate in in the most worse of weather.If secured good enough,you can laugh at any severe Thunderstorm with the lantern shining bright,stove cooking your grub,and a beer in your hand.
Sometimes it's not the weather.
The bugs can ruin a camping trip at night.
The mosquitoes have been so bad at times for us out in the bush,that we have had to soak ourself in repellent to enjoy the nightlife of camping.
A still humid,windless night.The bugs can destroy a camp out.
It wasn't long after,that our nightlife camping has been taking advantage of a screen tent that keeps the bugs out.
It protects us from the weather,wind,and rain.Many times we tarp a couple sides of the screen tent,just for wind blockage while we cook inside bug free.
We used our screen tent for bathing,cooking,conversating in,eating in,a shelter to avoid the extremes that come up while out in the outdoors.
We have even used our screen tent for winter camping,by tarping it off the sides.
Good Stove
Good Sleeping Tent
Bags/or Blankets
And a dam good screen tent to keep the bugs out,and a screen tent for cooking in,and a screen tent as a base tent for all to use in the rainy,and crappy weather retreat that can always arise on a camping trip.
Having a good screen tent makes a bugproof camping trip in more ways than one.It's like bringing a kitchen,and the living room along on a camping trip.
Go with a Eureka Screen Tent.It will be the last one you buy.
I bought my Eureka Screen Tent 20 years ago,and still using it today.Yea,I've had to do some screen repair due to my own faults,and a need and thread do the job.The fabric,and poles,and the screen mesh is still doing the job today..
So what is the best screen tent?
It's a Eureka!!
We loved camping,and the adventure of portaging in to lakes,and spending every second of our vacation times camping in the capital of bug country.From 20 years old on,till my 30's,I camped my butt off.
As with all campers,we learn by trial and error over the years,and upgrade a piece of our camping equipment to make the time off we have spending in the woods,all that much more comfortable.
I suppose it started with upgrading our cooking stove,which was an affordable upgrade,plus food makes,or breaks a trip.I hope none of you had trips like some of mine in my younger days.We'd bring more beer,and fishing bait that subtance to keep us going.
That didn't last long,after that we made sure we had ample food supply,and good stoves and the cook ware to prepare our dinners.
The other thing that hurt us,was the rain,and the pain in the butt of having to bring tarps,to make sure our tents stayed rain proff in the hard rains.
Then we upgraded tents,and went with Eureka.Boy,that was the smartest choice we ever made when it came to discovering the best camping tents that exist.
One discovery we had,was when it came to cooking.You could never count on the weather being generous to allow you to cook outdoors on the camping stoves when every you please.In other words the wind,and the rain could really hamper a guy with a propane stove cooking,with the wind blowing the flame out,or just blowing the heat right out from under our frying pans.
In some cases,worse than that,was the bugs,and biting insects,flies,hornets,and every other dam bug wanting to linger around the cook stove while a person is preparing dinner.
Then one of us in the gang,decided to buy a Eureka Screen Tent.
He bought it,for the sake when he cleaned fish,het despised the horse & deer flies annoying him,the mosquitoes,and every other type of bug.The noseeums,if that is spelled right made cleaning fish a horror.
Having the best screen tent to keep the bugs out while camping cleaning fish,also came in very handy for cooking in,and preparing meals,and a base retreat tent when the rain came.
Most all the Eureka Screen Tents have a rain flap,or a fabric flap that you can attach a rain tarp to,by using heavy duty meatal camping clips,and attaching a rain tarp AROUND THE SCREEN NETTING...Making it a wall tent.
So even if the rain was coming down side ways,if the screen tent was secured good,in other words staked in good,and a rope attached to a pole,that was tied to a tree..Really secure that baby when setting up,like preparing for a tornado.You can cook in that baby,and have a hell of a base camp tent for your whole group to associate in in the most worse of weather.If secured good enough,you can laugh at any severe Thunderstorm with the lantern shining bright,stove cooking your grub,and a beer in your hand.
Sometimes it's not the weather.
The bugs can ruin a camping trip at night.
The mosquitoes have been so bad at times for us out in the bush,that we have had to soak ourself in repellent to enjoy the nightlife of camping.
A still humid,windless night.The bugs can destroy a camp out.
It wasn't long after,that our nightlife camping has been taking advantage of a screen tent that keeps the bugs out.
It protects us from the weather,wind,and rain.Many times we tarp a couple sides of the screen tent,just for wind blockage while we cook inside bug free.
We used our screen tent for bathing,cooking,conversating in,eating in,a shelter to avoid the extremes that come up while out in the outdoors.
We have even used our screen tent for winter camping,by tarping it off the sides.
Good Stove
Good Sleeping Tent
Bags/or Blankets
And a dam good screen tent to keep the bugs out,and a screen tent for cooking in,and a screen tent as a base tent for all to use in the rainy,and crappy weather retreat that can always arise on a camping trip.
Having a good screen tent makes a bugproof camping trip in more ways than one.It's like bringing a kitchen,and the living room along on a camping trip.
Go with a Eureka Screen Tent.It will be the last one you buy.
I bought my Eureka Screen Tent 20 years ago,and still using it today.Yea,I've had to do some screen repair due to my own faults,and a need and thread do the job.The fabric,and poles,and the screen mesh is still doing the job today..
So what is the best screen tent?
It's a Eureka!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Best Rainproof Tents
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Best Rainproof Tents |
When it comes to the best rainproof tents.A person must make sure it's set up right,using the rainfly,and most importantly proofing your tent before you go on your camping trip.
What I mean by proofing,is setting it up in your back yard,and seam seal the seams..(seam sealer for tents).Takes just a few minutes,depending on the size of your tent of course.
Then lastly,get a couple cans of Scotch Guard,and treat the rain fly,and the walls of your tent.
Once dry,there is no odor from the Scotch Guard.It's good stuff,and every avid camper recommends it,and uses it for their own tents.
Don't wait till you get out in the woods to do this.Do this before you go camping,it makes the trip all that much more enjoyable getting this stuff out of the way prior.
Of course you want a good quality tent to be using.If you have some Walmart,or Target Tent..good luck.The seams on those tents have large stitching,and sloppy stitching,and the fabric questionable.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Best Waterproof Tents For Camping
The best waterprrof tents for camping beyond a doubt,are the Eureka Tents.
As I have explained in previous articles,the stitching is so much better than those cheap tents one would see at a Walmart,or a Target Store.Thos tents are junk,and you most certainly get what you pay for these these,and that rule especially applies to good waterproof tents.
If you're not familiar with tents,and just typed in "the best waterproof tents" thinking their is some magic brand out there,you're right.There is,and it's called a Eureka.
The fabric of the Eureka tents is a better quality,than those cheap brands.My opinion is the stitching when making these tents,make a huge factor when determining if the tent will leak or not.
So when buying a new tent,set it up,and hose it down.Get it nice & wet.
Let it dry,and get a bottle of tent seam sealer.It's a small bottle,with a plastic ball like a deodorant bottle one would run under the arms,but you use these stuff to rub over your seams on the tent.(wherever there is stitching)..It seals the seams nice & good.
You can always get a can,or two of some scotch guard also,and give a covering of the rain fly,and even the tent itself if you wish,but remember the rainfly is the most important to spray down,after all that's what's used to keep the rain off your tent to begin with.
The best waterproof tents for camping are the Eureka.Then get a bottle of seam sealer,and a couple cans of scotch guard.You will not get rained out,and tents that are waterproof should float on water,and you'll see a Eureka emblem on the ones that do.
As I have explained in previous articles,the stitching is so much better than those cheap tents one would see at a Walmart,or a Target Store.Thos tents are junk,and you most certainly get what you pay for these these,and that rule especially applies to good waterproof tents.
If you're not familiar with tents,and just typed in "the best waterproof tents" thinking their is some magic brand out there,you're right.There is,and it's called a Eureka.
The fabric of the Eureka tents is a better quality,than those cheap brands.My opinion is the stitching when making these tents,make a huge factor when determining if the tent will leak or not.
So when buying a new tent,set it up,and hose it down.Get it nice & wet.
Let it dry,and get a bottle of tent seam sealer.It's a small bottle,with a plastic ball like a deodorant bottle one would run under the arms,but you use these stuff to rub over your seams on the tent.(wherever there is stitching)..It seals the seams nice & good.
You can always get a can,or two of some scotch guard also,and give a covering of the rain fly,and even the tent itself if you wish,but remember the rainfly is the most important to spray down,after all that's what's used to keep the rain off your tent to begin with.
The best waterproof tents for camping are the Eureka.Then get a bottle of seam sealer,and a couple cans of scotch guard.You will not get rained out,and tents that are waterproof should float on water,and you'll see a Eureka emblem on the ones that do.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Tents For Camping
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Tents For Camping |
I've used a variety of tents through out my life time,and no shelter beats a Eureaka while out in the bush.
Here you'll find a variety of tents for camping,not matter what the situation is hwere you'll be spending ythe night.
The Eureka's are leak proof tents,and last many years.My stormshield tent has lasted me almost 20 years now,and taken care of I'm sure I got another decade of use out of it.
I camp in the most wild of enviroments,and I know the importance of a good camping tent.It either makes the trip comfortable,or a cheap one can make a trip miserable.
That's why I take tents for camping serious.I love camping,and without a good shelt I'd end up hating having to spend a night in the wildreness.
So if you're searching for a quality shelter,and believe me there are alot to choose from.You can't go wrong going with the Eureka brand.These truely are the best tents on the market.
Sometimes the insects can be just as much as a factor as a down pour,or heavy penetrating rains.If you're spending the night in a Eureak tent,you need not worry what Mother Nature throws at you.
So if you're shopping for tents,take a look around here,and look at the variety we have to offer.There are tents here for serious expeditions in the wort enviroments in the wildreness,to comfortable large family tents that the kids will galdly accept as a second home.
We're adding a variety of tents for camping here at the Eureka Showcase.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Best Tents For Staying Dry
When it comes to the best tents for staying dry.There is no better rain proof tent than the various Eureaka model tents,with a shelter that fits the criteria of your camping trip.
Whether is be a family outing,or traveling deep in the wildreness going ultra light as you can.Eureka tents can't be beat when it comes to tents that don't leak,and really stand up to the test facing the harsh enviroment that one can face while out camping.
We always hear the number one reason why camping trips turn sour.It's having a shelter that leaks when put to the test.Wet gear makes a camp out miserable,so why chance it when camping is suppose to be enjoyable,relaxing,and a get-away?
The best tent for staying dry camping is a tent that was made right to begin with.That's why Eureka makes their tent with smaller stiching than all those other cheep tents one would find at Walmart,and Target Stores.
The reason why those stores don't carry Eureka Tents is because they feel they wouldn't profit from them,because they feel customers are looking for a bargin when planning their camping trips.Having a best tent for staying dry is the last thing on their marketing check list.
Don't buy cheep tents every three years,but one that will last a lifetime.Such as a tent that don't leak in the rain.
That's why those stores sell cheep tents.They are wanting you buying several,not one that will last you years,and years to come.They feel there is no profit in that,and they could care less if you get rained out.So having tents that don't leak in stock on their shelves,don't bother them a bit.
As I mentioned before,you get what you pay for.You need a quality tent that don't leak.Not a cheep Walmart tent,that is guaranteed to leak.
The best tents that don't leak may cost you a little more on the spot,but in the long run they save you 100's of dollars.
It all comes down to the place you buy one,and honestly speaking if you're looking for a good rain proof tent,just buy on online.
Get you food supply,and other goods such as mosquito repellent at a Wallmart,but for God Sake..don't buy a tent there.
It will keep the bugs out,but it wont be a tent that keeps the rain out.
Money talks in the business of a good tent.Just remember that,and if you're a person who buys a tent everey three years or so,just know when wondering what's the best tent for dry is.It's a Eureka.
End of story!!!
Whether is be a family outing,or traveling deep in the wildreness going ultra light as you can.Eureka tents can't be beat when it comes to tents that don't leak,and really stand up to the test facing the harsh enviroment that one can face while out camping.
We always hear the number one reason why camping trips turn sour.It's having a shelter that leaks when put to the test.Wet gear makes a camp out miserable,so why chance it when camping is suppose to be enjoyable,relaxing,and a get-away?
The best tent for staying dry camping is a tent that was made right to begin with.That's why Eureka makes their tent with smaller stiching than all those other cheep tents one would find at Walmart,and Target Stores.
The reason why those stores don't carry Eureka Tents is because they feel they wouldn't profit from them,because they feel customers are looking for a bargin when planning their camping trips.Having a best tent for staying dry is the last thing on their marketing check list.
Don't buy cheep tents every three years,but one that will last a lifetime.Such as a tent that don't leak in the rain.
That's why those stores sell cheep tents.They are wanting you buying several,not one that will last you years,and years to come.They feel there is no profit in that,and they could care less if you get rained out.So having tents that don't leak in stock on their shelves,don't bother them a bit.
As I mentioned before,you get what you pay for.You need a quality tent that don't leak.Not a cheep Walmart tent,that is guaranteed to leak.
The best tents that don't leak may cost you a little more on the spot,but in the long run they save you 100's of dollars.
It all comes down to the place you buy one,and honestly speaking if you're looking for a good rain proof tent,just buy on online.
Get you food supply,and other goods such as mosquito repellent at a Wallmart,but for God Sake..don't buy a tent there.
It will keep the bugs out,but it wont be a tent that keeps the rain out.
Money talks in the business of a good tent.Just remember that,and if you're a person who buys a tent everey three years or so,just know when wondering what's the best tent for dry is.It's a Eureka.
End of story!!!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Eureka Dome Tents
Eureka dome tents are designed to handle the wind.That's why their shape is a dome,instead of 4 walls.We all know how the wind loves to hit a surface,so it can push what's ever against it.
There are alot of different Eureaka models of their dome tents.Some small,and some very large for families,and groups.
The great thing about all their dome tents is they keep the rain out.These are far the best,the best waterproof tents on the market,and the tents breath.A tent that don't breath gets wet even without the rain.Condensation from breathing can soak a tent in itself during the night,when it's cooler outside,and warmer inside.A person's breath has mositure,and it catches in the tent fabric,and thus over a period of a few hours,it can start raining in your tent.
The dome tents are great breathers.They come with a rain fly,that pretty much covers the whole tent.If I'm sure the wether is going to be friendly during the night,I use the rain fly only as needed.I like a tent that breaths to a good degree.
Plus,if it's warmer weather I keep the rain fly off.Tents can hold heat,and especially hold heat if it's a calm night with no breeze.
But,if it's a cool night with a breeze..I use the rainfly then.Once you get familiar with your dome tent,you'll know how you want to use it,in regards with the weather.
So if you're looking for a shelter that is really universal to handle all the various weather eleiments,go with the Eureka Dome Tents.You won't be sorry you did!!
There are alot of different Eureaka models of their dome tents.Some small,and some very large for families,and groups.
The great thing about all their dome tents is they keep the rain out.These are far the best,the best waterproof tents on the market,and the tents breath.A tent that don't breath gets wet even without the rain.Condensation from breathing can soak a tent in itself during the night,when it's cooler outside,and warmer inside.A person's breath has mositure,and it catches in the tent fabric,and thus over a period of a few hours,it can start raining in your tent.
The dome tents are great breathers.They come with a rain fly,that pretty much covers the whole tent.If I'm sure the wether is going to be friendly during the night,I use the rain fly only as needed.I like a tent that breaths to a good degree.
Plus,if it's warmer weather I keep the rain fly off.Tents can hold heat,and especially hold heat if it's a calm night with no breeze.
But,if it's a cool night with a breeze..I use the rainfly then.Once you get familiar with your dome tent,you'll know how you want to use it,in regards with the weather.
So if you're looking for a shelter that is really universal to handle all the various weather eleiments,go with the Eureka Dome Tents.You won't be sorry you did!!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Old Eureka Tents
I have an old Eureka tent I'd like to discuss.
Do any of you,or have any of your ever used the older Eureka Equinox?
The brand I'm talking about is the "storm shield".At least I think that's what it was called.
I've had this tent for 20 years,and will have it for the rest of my life.This is why I'm stuck on Eureka's.Their tents are just the best,and if you take care of them they really do last a life time.
If there are any of you who'd like to contribute your thoughts on some of the old ereka tents that are still being used today,I'd sure like to here from you.I know many of us still using alot of these older models.I think it would be interesting to hear from some of you,and get your positive feedback.
The only wear & tear on my tent is from abuse from my end.Little accidents happen,and I've stitched a hole from a tree branch,due to my not paying attention.Other than that,beyond a doubt I still have many,many years use out of mine.
I don't use it as much as when I was younger,but I still use it a few times a year.
Do any of you,or have any of your ever used the older Eureka Equinox?
The brand I'm talking about is the "storm shield".At least I think that's what it was called.
I've had this tent for 20 years,and will have it for the rest of my life.This is why I'm stuck on Eureka's.Their tents are just the best,and if you take care of them they really do last a life time.
If there are any of you who'd like to contribute your thoughts on some of the old ereka tents that are still being used today,I'd sure like to here from you.I know many of us still using alot of these older models.I think it would be interesting to hear from some of you,and get your positive feedback.
The only wear & tear on my tent is from abuse from my end.Little accidents happen,and I've stitched a hole from a tree branch,due to my not paying attention.Other than that,beyond a doubt I still have many,many years use out of mine.
I don't use it as much as when I was younger,but I still use it a few times a year.
Monday, April 9, 2012
What's a good camping tent?
If you're wonder what's a good camping tent out there on the market,you can't get any better of a shelter than a good Eureka Tent.
They've been around for how many years now?
It's really not how long they've been around that makes their tents good.It comes down to the tent itself.It's the best tent with the best bang for your money.
If you want to get rained out,they buy a cheap tent.
Why do tents leak,when others do not?
It's the stitching in most cases,and then the fabric used also that can determine if a tent will leak.Usually even a cheap tent with a rain fly,most the time keeps it out.That's if you just get a light drizzle for an hour,but throw in a steady rain,or worse yet a thunderstorm?..A cheap tent will leak.The seams just soak in that water,because of cheap stitching
You get what you pay for.So asking yourself what is a good camping tent to buy that won't leak?
Go with a Eureka.The stitching is the best,and using it properly is a for sure way to keep the rain out where it belongs.Not inside the tent.
Spend the extra 50 -100 bucks and have a tent that lasts a lifetime,and keeps the rain out.
They also have the best warranty.
I see these cheap tents,and it's like these people have no clue what's in store for them if it rains.Yea,it might keep the bugs out,but that's all it's going to keep out.
They have such a large variety to choose from.From ultra light back packing tents,to large family sized tents that have enough room for an army.We all have our own idea what camping is,and Eureka covers all the ground from no matter what kind of camping you're doing.
In my opinion,being that I'm an older fart now,and have learned from 100's of trips out under the stars,that a tent with a little extra room is a must,even for you young folks.A tent is also used as a storage area for our cloths,and items that we really want to keep out of the rain,or the weather.Even the sun for that matter can wear things out.
I know we try to go as perfect as we can when heading out into the bush,but one luxory is your shelter,and don't hold back on that.Having a castle out there in the woods makes a trip so much better.Who wants to sleep ina coffin sized tent?It gets hot,no room to move around,and what if you have gear you want to stay dry?
It's easier bringing it in the tent,instead of bringing a tarp with to make a supply shelter.Just go with a tad larger sized tent.You won't be sorry you did.
Eureka are the best camping tents in the world,and the best bamg for your buck.
They've been around for how many years now?
It's really not how long they've been around that makes their tents good.It comes down to the tent itself.It's the best tent with the best bang for your money.
If you want to get rained out,they buy a cheap tent.
Why do tents leak,when others do not?
It's the stitching in most cases,and then the fabric used also that can determine if a tent will leak.Usually even a cheap tent with a rain fly,most the time keeps it out.That's if you just get a light drizzle for an hour,but throw in a steady rain,or worse yet a thunderstorm?..A cheap tent will leak.The seams just soak in that water,because of cheap stitching
You get what you pay for.So asking yourself what is a good camping tent to buy that won't leak?
Go with a Eureka.The stitching is the best,and using it properly is a for sure way to keep the rain out where it belongs.Not inside the tent.
Spend the extra 50 -100 bucks and have a tent that lasts a lifetime,and keeps the rain out.
They also have the best warranty.
I see these cheap tents,and it's like these people have no clue what's in store for them if it rains.Yea,it might keep the bugs out,but that's all it's going to keep out.
They have such a large variety to choose from.From ultra light back packing tents,to large family sized tents that have enough room for an army.We all have our own idea what camping is,and Eureka covers all the ground from no matter what kind of camping you're doing.
In my opinion,being that I'm an older fart now,and have learned from 100's of trips out under the stars,that a tent with a little extra room is a must,even for you young folks.A tent is also used as a storage area for our cloths,and items that we really want to keep out of the rain,or the weather.Even the sun for that matter can wear things out.
I know we try to go as perfect as we can when heading out into the bush,but one luxory is your shelter,and don't hold back on that.Having a castle out there in the woods makes a trip so much better.Who wants to sleep ina coffin sized tent?It gets hot,no room to move around,and what if you have gear you want to stay dry?
It's easier bringing it in the tent,instead of bringing a tarp with to make a supply shelter.Just go with a tad larger sized tent.You won't be sorry you did.
Eureka are the best camping tents in the world,and the best bamg for your buck.
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