Winter sleeping bags for cold weather are a must,and a bit different from your average summer sleeping bag.
Here is a good affordable winter sleeping bag that will get you through the coldest of weather.
It's the coleman big basin extreme weather bag.
I use mine for the fish house,and for winter camping.This is actaully a great winter camping sleeping bag that won't let you down.I don't use a heater at night,so I know what I'm talking about here.
Cold weather sleeping bags have to be warmer,and more drable than your summer set up.
They are almost like a matress wrapped around you,and this one will get you through -20 -30 below with ease.
I wear long johns of course,and this winter bag does a great job keeping me warm.
Just hate when morning comes,and I got to crawl out of it.
Not only that,if a person has to use the bathroom at night,that can be a bumber too.
But all,in all.This is a good winter sleeping bag that won't let you down.
The coleman sleeping bags for winter are priced just right also.So no complaints on the price,or the bag here.
Great sleeping bag,and I'd recommend this winter bag to anyone.